Our Projects
Literacy of Love has two primary goals. Firstly, our number one goal is to help raise children and partner with families to be faithful, honest men and women of integrity. Secondly, we want to create sustainability through education and entrepreneurship.
General Find: This enables us to feed, provide clothes, give medical care and parent our children. *any amount helps*
Maize Mill: We are able to produce and mill food grown on our own farm to supplement our diets and sell to earn. We can mill our own pig feed with an additional motor. {800}
Clinic: The clinic will employ our graduates, create jobs, and generate income which builds sustainability for LoL. It will also provide free medical care for our children. {Needs to finish everything 17k}
Security at Home: Electricity is unstable and often cuts out. We need to install security solar lights {1.1k} and security cameras {800}
Garage/Mechanic Vocational: Generates income and provides multiple jobs for LoL graduates. Create employment, free repairs, and provide a vocational center for the community and our children.
[Garage: 25k, Land: 25k, student hostels 15k]
Sponsorships: Sponsorship covers the cost of educating and boarding a child for a year. Boarding covers housing and shelter. Fees are made yearly. [primary: $500, secondary: $900, vocational/university approx: 1.5-2k]
Garden Development: We supplement our own food by growing maize, casava, Banans and beans. We also rear pigs and goats. We want to maintain the farm and would love to expand. [$200]
Tour and Travel: By developing ecotourism, we will not only be able to employ our own graduates, but we will also create sustainability with profits. We will market our company and share our history which will raise awareness about our program to people around the world. This tourism budget includes a 4×4 vehicle which will also serve as our organizational vehicle. [35k]
Other Projects: 2 acres of adjacent farmland (9k)


NorthStar Tour and Travel: Literacy of Love has an exciting new business, an all-inclusive travel agency that tailors excursions in Uganda, NorthStar Tour and Travel. In an effort to build sustainability, it is not only managed by and employs our own well-trained graduates, it also generates income for Literacy of Love. NorthStar will manage all travel details. All you need to do is come….we’ll take care of the rest! We will transform dreams into memories.
Visit us @ NorthStarToursAndTravel.com
Meet the children of Literacy of Love at our Home, The Heart. Plan, organize and implement activities with our members. This is your chance to share love, friendship, and faith while creating memories which will last a lifetime. Tour our village and see LoL’s sustainable projects. Learn how our mission work invests in people to create leaders who are change-makers. From our farm, to our clinic, you’ll get a chance to see the impact of a hand-up. Tour the community. See what poverty looks like firsthand. Witness the beautiful yet harsh reality of typical Ugandan life. You’ll be immersed in Ugandan culture, not as a tourist, but as a guest and friend to our family. Be part of community change. You’ll visit a local government school where you will deliver needs to some of the very poorest students. Get a look into the educational system and desperation of students clinging to hope through the little they have. You can lend a hand and build a bridge between our mission and the community.
MISSION TRIPS: A mission trip is a journey of the heart. We often think that we either have nothing to offer or that we’ll go and teach faith to those we serve. But, missions are about sharing the love and faith of Jesus. It is both giving and receiving. Our journey provides an opportunity to live love through action. What you’ll receive is more than you can imagine. A mind stretched can never retain its original shape. Once you feel love, see God’s hand, experience life elsewhere, feel pain with others, laugh with strangers, bond and create friendships, you learn we are more alike than unalike. You can never truly unfeel, unsee, or unlearn those experiences.
Faith is alive in the African heart, and genuine excitement and friendship will welcome you! No matter where you are at on your spiritual journey, a mission trip opens your heart to the possibilities of Jesus’ presence and love. Ugandan culture values time, tradition, and friendship. A mission trip will change your life.
EDUCATIONAL TOURS: A whole wide world exists beyond your own. If you’d like to broaden your life, we’d love to walk alongside you and do that together. Develop a bigger picture of the world and your perspective by experiencing first-hand, as a member of our family, an exotic, unique and diverse new culture. Your group can tailor their experiences from city life to rural villages, from safari game drives to rafting the Nile River. From sitting with locals who live in mud houses to feeling first-hand what it is like to fetch your own water. Science? Culture? Nature? Wild Animals? Come see first-hand what you’ve read about in books!
Children’s Home: Children come to visit, learn, build relationships, learn about God and being their best selves, study and enjoy
Farm: We grow maize, cassava, matoke, and pumpkin, and we rear pigs and goats. This fortifies our diet, earns money, and provides pig feed.
Maize Mill: Our mill not only earns money for Literacy of Love and provides employment, it helps us grind food we’ve grown on our own farm. It is also a valuable community resource.
Serving Special Needs: Adam is deaf and had no way attending school. Through sponsorship, Adam is in a specialized school and is able to communicate for the first time! We have children with physical and cognitive disabilities as well as children who are HIV positive. We provide care that their families were unable to.
Supporting Families: It’s important that parents who have no means to care for their children still have a hand in raising them. We work together with families to provide basic needs and education and teach them that their emotional role is essential to raising a strong child who is capable of making change, who feels believed in, and who rewrites the story of generational poverty.
Providing Education: Education is the number one reason for children to cry and fear for their future. They know, and we know, that education is the first step out of poverty.
Connecting Cultures: Sponsors and students in America feel the enriching value of developing relationships with our children.

Our Projects
Literacy of Love has two primary goals: to build a permanent orphanage home where the basic needs of our children are met and a secondary school to provide education for our children as they graduate from our primary school.
Urgent Need
1) Monthly Expenses: monthly rent: $300, monthly food: $200, electricity: $30, water: $10, miscellaneous: $10 = $550
2) Permanent Orphanage Home: $18,000 *By having a permanent home, we will reduce monthly expenses tremendously. Our garden, piggery, and chicken project can be located on our land with the permanent home, and that will reduce rent of all of these projects.
In Process:
1) Garden Project: $1,400 (once paid—this will self-sustain) *This is a LOL CHILD PROJECT. Children do daily garden work, and when the cash crop is harvested, the workers will divide the profit.
2) Piggery: $600 (once paid—this will self-sustain) *This provides an income to pay for monthly expenses.
3) Chicken Project: $1,800 (once paid—this will self-sustain) *This provides an income to pay for monthly expenses.
4) Transportation Project: We own a truck, car and boda boda. The truck is used to haul materials and employs a few of our children. The car is a family car but is used for hire when not needed at home. It also employs family members and makes money to provide income. The boda boda is used as a business to generate income.
5) Eucalyptus: The plantation was planted so in years to come it could be sold as a cash crop.
4) Clinic: $15,000 *This will provide free medical care for our children. It will also employ our LoL university graduates (1 doctor, 1 lab tech, 1 nurse). We will also set up a medical closet and medication stipend.
5) Hair Salon: $1,000 *This will provide children with free haircuts. It will also employ 2 of our grown kids.
6) Soccer Team: $1,500 *This will provide many of our kids a healthy activity to lead a disciplined life. Soccer is competitive and is profit making. It’s a very popular business and highly sought after activity. It keeps kids off the street and gives economic opportunities.
7) Sports Shop: $2,000 *This will provide two of our children a job. We will purchase all of our team needs from this shop.
8) Maize Mill: 5.5m *We will grow maize which can be processed into feed for our pigs and chickens. We will also use this mill to hire for rent and generate income.
9) Girl Power: $500 *This pays for an expert to speak to girls about female health and family planning. It will provide basic hygiene products (like underwear and reusable pads). This will also pay for transportation for girls to travel to our meeting.