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Get Involved, World Changer!
Do you want to give hope to children?
Do you think education is key to a bright future?
Do you believe that you can make a change in the world?
If yes, then you are in agreement with Literacy of Love, Inc.
There are many ways you can lend a hand and give some hope, too! click to share a printable flyer
Art from the Heart
Organize a meaningful service experience with your students. All you need is a little creativity!
What: Art from the Heart is a silent auction of student artwork based around a common theme to develop a sense of global connectedness and service to make a difference in the world.
- Teacher introduces service organization with introductory videos and PowerPoint
- The teacher establishes a partner venue (location of the event)
- Develop reason and understanding of the project through the lenses of service and compassion
- Teacher models process and techniques; students design and create art based on the theme, inspiration, and chosen medium (i.e. friendship and love; painting, mask making)
- The teacher sends an invitation and RSVP. The venue is prepared with art and bid sheets. The program is completed.
- The event! The teacher shares experience, objectives, and AFH Video with the audience. Procedures are explained. Families bid on art. Art is presented to the highest bidder.
[one-half-first]Introductory Materials:
AFH Packet Overview
Introductory PowerPoint
w/Before and After Photos of BPS
Sample Invitation
[/one-half-first] [one-half]Sample Program
Video Introduction
Short Commercial for BPS
Organize your own bowl-a-thon with a few simple steps!
- Pick a location and discuss using the venue for a charitable cause.
- Excite participants with LOL videos on Youtube.
- Encourage then to share the flyer and pledge sheet with friends, businesses and neighbors. Provide a prize incentive (contact LOL for donation).
- Collect pledges prior to event.
- Allow group to bowl 2 games.
Click for sample flyer
Need more advice, email
The Hunger Walk
5k Walk and Run
Organize your own 5k with a few simple steps!
- Pick a location and map it out. Fill out paperwork to reserve a location or register your event (Chamber of Commerce).
- Advertise! Flyers, newspaper advertisements, friends!
- Get volunteer help (crossing guards, registration table, bookkeeper)
- Recruit, recruit, recruit participants (collect pledges or a participation fee)
Need sample flyers, waiver/registration, and participation/pledge forms? Email
Host a Jewelry Party
Sell handmade, exotic Ugandan jewelry and earn some as a free incentive!
- Invite some friends over to your house or local venue such as a coffee shop. Don’t forget to advertise on FB.
- Provide some simple refreshments (money paid can be taken from total profit and reimbursed).
- Friends buy jewelry knowing that all profits build a sustainable future for orphans and employ a widows’ cooperative group in the area.
- The host earns free jewelry based on total sales.
Need sample flyers or advertisements? Email
- Contact Cari Matejka to speak to your group, or organization, or preach at your church. Or, share LOL videos from YouTube.
- We can even discuss and help your church organize a mission trip to Uganda to see a project you’ve supported and are passionate about come to fruition.